July 2010

DML 2010 in Paris

W. Sylwestrzak, J. Borbinha, Th. Bouche, A. Nowiński and P. Sojka presented the project in the lecture EuDML – towards the European Digital Mathematics Library in the workshop DML 2010 held in Paris on 7 July 2010. See also the paper in proceedings.

Participation of Thierry Bouche (UJF/CMD) and Jiří Rákosník (IMAS) in the EMS Council Meeting. Jiří presented the EuDML project there and distributed the flyers to the participants (English, French and Spanish versions).  The project attracted the attention of the audience. The EMS president Ari Laptev and some other participants paid attention to it in their speeches. The EMS President elect Marta Sanz-Solé emphasized importance of the project and declared that EMS will support it.