National Information Day - Open Acess to Scientific Information

The Open Access Week is a global event, now in its 4th year, promoting the open access as a new norm in scholarship and research. This year’s Open Access Week will highlight the collaboration behind the open access and a broad range of initiatives around the globe. The anticipated participation of hundreds of universities, research institutions, and other sites worldwide would demonstrate the depth and the breadth of support for the open access and the real impact of un-fettered access on advancing discovery across disciplines.
The National Information Day will focus on the use of the National Open Access Desks, the development of networks among researchers, research institutions, and policy makers at a national level on the one hand, and the European project services, on the other.
The use of open access will be presented in the context of the following EU funded projects: OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) which implements Open Access on a pan-European scale. OpenAIRE establishes underlying structures for researchers to support them through a European Helpdesk System. EuDML (The Europian Digital Mathematics Library) which brings together the dispersed European heritage of digital mathematical literature in virtual collections. ATLAS (Applied Technology for Language-Aided CMS) which facilitates the multilingual Web content development and management, in particular the authoring, versioning and maintenance of multilingual websites. OpenScout (Skill based scouting of open user-generated and community-improved content for management education and training) which aims at providing an education service in the internet that enables users to easily find, access, use and exchange open content for management education and training.

Radoslav Pavlov presented the EuDML project.