Thierry Bouche will give a presentation about EuDML, during the FréDoc 2011 meeting

 The FréDoc ("Formation des réseaux de la documentation": Training of the documentation networks) is an annual meeting around the practises of ITS.  The FréDoc series aim to establish an exchange and reflection on the professional practices of the IST-or aspects of them- through the sharing of skills. The FréDoc are intended for archivists, librarians and anyone working in the field of IST at the CNRS, but they are also open to other public research organizations, partners in mixed units. Until 2006 they have been organized by the CNRS regional network of archivists, and ever since they are the responsibility of the french national network. About a hundred people meet once a year in October for a four half-day program.

Thierry Bouche's presentation, "EuDML, The European Digital Mathematics Library", will be on October 11th at 11:25a.m., in the FréDoc'11 venue. Thierry Bouche, Head of the MathDoc Unit of University of Grenobe, is the scientific coordinator of the EuDML project.

More information: FréDoc 2011